Wednesday, November 4, 2015

How To Plan Out Your Month And Crush Some Goals

The holiday season is officially HERE! This can either be the BEST time of year or the most stressful, right?! I want to help you make this the BEST end to the BEST year of your life to date! Let's commit to setting and crushing some goals no matter if it is in your everyday life or your business or both! A new month means new opportunities and a clean slate. It does not mean that you throw all care to the wind and say- I will start in the new year? I am sitting at my desk right now with my planner and notebook next to me about to set some strong goals and I'm going to share with you exactly what I do and how I do it! And how for sure- YOU can do it too!

Tip #1- DO NOT WAIT. Start NOW.

After I became a wife and mom I really stopped thinking ahead of what 'today' will bring. I went on autopilot- taking care of my husband, the house, the kids and LIFE! Can you relate? That was just what happened and I thought that it was kind of the norm and I lost ME.

Well, a few years ago I hit rock bottom. I was in a depression, I felt like I was in the dark and just couldn't find my way out. I was being suffocated with the stress and responsibilities of day to day life, debt was growing and all of this was taking a toll on my marriage!

Enough was enough!

So- I decided that I was ready to change. I WANTED to change more  than I wanted to stay the same in my own bad cycle!

I didn't understand goal setting when I first started! It felt weird to me!! But, I went to this website that I had heard of called and just STARTED!
I encourage you to go and sign up for your free account! This is a game changer!

So- what else do you need to do?


Mine are:

My FAMILY! 1st- always. Faith, my business and with that comes my fitness and health which is a priority too. Health to me is mental, physical and emotional health! They all align when we make them priority.


Your goals have to really have meaning. So take some time to really think about what you want to achieve!! And make some very attainable and some can be a few that take a little longer than a month or two to achieve.

What do you want!! Write it down and the kicker is here- PUT A DATE NEXT TO IT! A date that you want to crush that goal by! If there is no date next to it, it means it's just a dream! A goal has a time frame.

Trust me- it's crazy- but when you are working towards them with intention then you are going to achieve them.

Here is an example. Most people want to lose 10 pounds- right? It's not a crazy goal- it is totally doable. The average healthy weight loss is 2- 2 1/2 pounds a week- so losing 10 pounds in a month is a realistic goal!!


Control the controllable. Set out everyday to be better than you were yesterday. Have your list of goals in sight and work towards them everyday. You can wish all day long for something to happen, but unless if you yourself are taking action to make these dreams become reality then won't move forward. Have a game plan! 

With our 10 lb. weight loss for example, you're going to break it down into your actions steps. You need to have an exercise routine. You need to follow some kind of nutrition plan. You need to have accountability to your goals, motivation (serves the priorities), and a reward.

So find some kind of accountability coach or a friend that's going to hold you accountable and motivate you to reach your goals. If you are clueless about where to start- I am here to help. Email me and we can get you going in the right direction.

 You are also going to want to have some kind of reward in there as well. So that when you achieve these things on your daily, weekly, monthly basis, then you have some of reward or something that you look forward to. Those are your actions steps. Make sure that you set yourself up for success and understand what you have to do in order to achieve those goals.


So now- you have your game plan! You are armed with your goals and you want to make them become reality!!

Time to REVERSE engineer! And if you're like me-- you're like "WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?!"

We are going to map out what it's going to take to get there! For each action step you need to plan it out on your calendar. 

For example for a goal of exercising 5 days a week plan that out on your calendar for when you are going to accomplish this activity for each week of the 30 days. It has to be a meeting that you do not cancel on. You wouldn't cancel a meeting with your boss, so you are NOT going to cancel your workout.

Then you will need to take a look at what you are eating! You need to PLAN it out! Weight loss and results come from cleaning up the diet! 80% clean/ 20% treats. Create a meal plan mapping out exactly what you are going to eat for each meal each day!! 
You can even have a box there for your accountability that you can check off for when you check in with your coach or accountability partner.

Let me give you this last big piece of the puzzle. 

When setting your goals- YOU have to WANT them for YOURSELF. YOU have to dig deep and find the motivation and momentum to show up and work everyday! YOU CAN- but YOU are the only one who can accomplish them. 

The examples I gave you were fitness related, but if you are setting your business goals- the same deal applies. You can't just SAY you are going to do something- your actions and efforts must match the goal. It's all up to you and your mindset!

At the end of the 30 days celebrate your progress.

Re-evaluate where you went wrong and also celebrate where you went right! I find it super helpful to write down three things that I did really well in the month instead of criticizing myself and pointing out all the things that I didn't achieve because truthfully you're not always going to achieve all your goals and that's okay.

You need to get used to really celebrating your progress and just being happy that you are moving forward. CELEBRATE the small and the big achievements!!!! Find the positives always!

I hope you guys set some amazing goals this month I want to hear about them. I want to hear what it is that you guys are setting for yourselves for this month to set yourself for success, feel free to email me at or find me on facebook-

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