Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Surviving The Holidays- One Cookie At A Time

Who else out there looks at November and December and thinks "holy cow!! These couple of months are going to just be fitness and nutrition survival months!"  Like come on- the amount of food that most of us are exposed to is through the roof and every time we turn a corner-- another Christmas cookie is trying to hop into our mouths ;) This is where I just want to say STOP the excuses- realize that you can have a FEW treats, eat holiday dinner, but you DO NOT have to sacrifice your waistline at the same time. I know for a 100% fact that if you have a desire and a drive to stay motivated, to NOT gain 10-20 pounds this holiday season and to really just stay true to yourself--- then you will find a way to make good choices and NOT allow excuses to take over. I for one will allow myself to have 12 cookies from Thanksgiving to Christmas! Yes- I set a number of how many cookies I will eat over the holidays! THAT WAY- when I am at a party and I catch myself reaching for a store bought cookie that really isn't that good anyways- I will remind myself "HEY! Aunt Sally is making her sugar cookies next weekend! I'm going to wait for those!"

For the last 2 1/2 years of coaching I have heard every excuse in the books! Seriously- people will try almost anything to get themselves to believe in these nonsense excuses of why their health and fitness has to wait until January... WHAT?!! Ummm... no. by that time- motivation is gone. 20 pounds have been packed on. Blood pressure and cholesterol levels are increasing, your mood is icky, you feel depressed and TIRED all the time and your self confidence is down the toilet. I LOVE to see and work with people who are determined to at least maintain and keep health a priority all year long! 

My Top 4 Successful Weight Loss Tips:

1.  You have to have a WHY. A reason that will allow you to go strong even when you don't feel like it. You can't just sorta kinda want to change, you have to REALLY WANT TO CHANGE MORE THAN YOU WANT TO STAY THE SAME!  After the novelty of the new program wears off, what is going to keep you going?  It's internal motivation to change more than you want to stay the same!

2.  Commitment.  Successful people are those who stay committed long after the 'fun' of something has worn off. They learn to be driven. They are willing to do whatever it takes to be successful and they are not QUITTERS. They are committed to believing in the process and starting and finishing the fitness program exactly as it is laid out and they will evaluate and tweak their program as they go.  Success means you are ALL IN! When we fall off the wagon- we get back up, brush ourselves off and continue to drive forward!

3.  FAITH and VISION.  People who succeed at their goals have faith!  They believe that what they are doing WILL work, some way, they will be successful at this weight loss game. It's not a simple task. It is a process and successful people are ready to go the distance. It's not about working out for 4 hours a day and starving yourself- nothing is acheived by that. It is about believing in the trainers, in your program, following the nutrition plan as best as you can and it will all work. Do not second guess!!! It is designed the way it is for a reason! TRUST me- do it and get results.

4. Successful people follow the nutrition plan.  I tried to fight this for YEARS. I'm telling you. I would say all the time "I'm already thin and my body just needs to hold onto that extra 10 pounds bc it's the way im meant to be... or, i'm skinny fat and I workout- im not meant to have definition... OR this one-- I can eat fast food everyday because I will just workout after."  Those are things I said and did for years. Until one day- I opened my eyes and got tired of feeling ICKY! Nutrition is SO IMPORTANT. If you aim to eat. If you track your food in a journal, you track your water intake, you allow yourself 1 or 2 treats per week you will make great steady and healthy progress!  You can have your cake and eat it too!

My mission this holiday season is to help you succeed. I want to see you through the good times and the bad! I want to keep you ACCOUNTABLE and MOTIVATED to either start or continue on your journey! I will NOT ask you to be super strict these next two months. Hardly- I am going to help you stay accountable and just TRY. 

It's time to end 2015 with a bang instead of starting 2016 10-20 pounds heavier and feeling miserable!!!!

Think about how much more energy you could have this season. You could enjoy wrapping Christmas presents, shopping, going from party to party, hanging out with friends and totally making time to do all of the things you enjoy! All that you need to do is eat healthier and workout 30 minutes a day. That's it! I do it- so can you :) 

I am going to run a 30 day HOLIDAY SURVIVAL guide support group starting on November 30th and running until the end of the year!  

Here is what you can expect from this group:

1.  A health and fitness program to fit your needs in 30 minutes or less each day.

2.  Sample meal plans and recipes to help you stay accountable, to help you with quick easy meals and snacks to fit your lifestyle.

3.  Daily accountability through a closed online support group.

4.  Tips on handling holiday parties, a restaurant guide, traveling tips, healthy alternatives to holiday favorites.

5.  Motivation, Accountability every single day to help you end the year stronger than you started.  

What if you could lose a few pounds this holiday season, rock in the New Year feeling confident and not defeated yet HAVE A REALLY GREAT AND ENJOYABLE HOLIDAY SEASON?  

So what are the requirements to participate in this group, because I know that is what you are thinking!!

1.  You must be a customer of mine on TeamBeachbody, which means that I am assigned as your FREE coach.  If you already have a coach please reach out to the person you work with.  If you do not have an account, complete the application below.

2.  You must commit to a  fitness program and nutrition plan in which we will discuss options that are best for you, your ability level, your time constraints and your needs.  

3.  You must commit to checking into the accountability group daily and reporting progress.

Are you in?  Does this sound like something you would like to do? 
Let's do this together!!! 

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