What will you do with the next 2 years of your life?
Will you spend it going through the motions of 'everyday life?'
Or do you have some drive and ambition to learn something new, do more, be different?
Are you truly passionate with your life? Like feel like you live each day positively? With purpose? Intention? And put forth your best self?
Are you EXCITED to get up and go to work tomorrow?! Like jumping for joy right now?
Whether you answered yes or no- think of this...
What if:
You could just start a gradual change for YOU.
1-2 hours a day. Learning something new. Making you better for yourself, your family, a future spouse, family, etc.
What if- you could write down some big dreams and goals and be taught how to work towards achieving them?
What if... Life depended solely on YOUR decisions. You call the shots. You live how YOU want?
That is my reality and it for sure can be yours too.
Join me this week in a closed online group. {{Nope. you do not have to be local! Just living in the US or Canada.}}
No strings attached.
Read a daily post. Watch a short video. LEARN what it is that I have created in 2 years that has changed my family's blueprint.
We went from:
*Miserable, broke and arguing with my husband daily to happy, fulfilled and more in love than ever with my husband.
*Nearly bankrupt to earning 6 figures working from home in 2 years.
*Telling our kids "no, we can't afford piano lessons, soccer, cheer, dance, etc" to now allowing them to try anything to see where they excel and where there heart and passion is.
*Being restricted to like NO vacations to now traveling at least every other month-- and most trips are paid for by beachbody.
*I became the #1 coach in the state of MS bc I LEARNED how to live again and shared ME in hopes to help thousands of people change their lives too.
*Living paycheck to paycheck to now being SO CLOSE to financial freedom.
*The list goes on.
AND I've done all of this by treating this business as a business- working 1-2 hours a day for the first 6-9 months and now I work 20-30 hours a week of my OWN TIME. That means- before my kids wake up and after they go to bed. I did it during nap times and NEVER sacrificed my time with them. And I will never have to either!!
In 2 years I've seen DRASTIC changes and made BEST FRIENDS. Watching a woman lose 120 pounds-- THAT makes my heart SWELL. Seeing my coaches pay off debt, purchase new cars they never EVER thought they would be able to do, see some SO CLOSE to their six figure earning marks, some QUIT THEIR FULL TIME JOBS to work beachbody full time, some working moms become stay at home moms, and some {LIKE HOW I STARTED}- earning enough to buy groceries and put food on the table. THAT is a BLESSING.
I want to help YOU create YOUR success story!
On Monday, I'll be offering up a 5 day group, no obligation, Backstage Pass into what I do as a coach.
Answering all the fun questions like: How do you earn? Is this right for me? Is this a pyramid scheme? Is this legit? What do you do exactly? And so much more.
What do you have to lose? Or should I say- Think of ALL you have to GAIN!
Fill out the application if you would like to be added to this free informational group!
{{{{Cannot have a coach or be a coach}}}}
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