
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

I Eat Glitter For Breakfast

You know that silly little saying---

I Eat Glitter For Breakfast? {{ Okay okay. I know the mug says eat cake for breakfast-- just pretend that it has glitter instead of cake! }}

Well- I feel like that should be every woman's motto. There is something about it that really just perks me up and makes me change my mindset to be AWESOME everyday. It's kind of like wearing a cape. Like a reminder to be the best superhero that I can be for myself and for my family... everyday.

Not striving to be perfect. Not striving to be someone who I'm not. But to be ME. And to love ME first so that way I can be the best version of me for everyone else! Does that even make sense? I hope this explains it!!

Do you feel like you know who you are? Like really know. Or do you feel like you have been trapped inside of a label for so long that you've lost yourself completely?

Are you a mom. A wife. A friend. A mentor/business woman. Do you wear many hats? Do you feel like you spend so much time filling other peoples' cups that you do not take the time to fill your own everyday?

I used to be this person! I used to say- I'm a wife! I have to do wife things... and I would never take ME time. Then I became a mom-- and then my baby came first for everything... and I hate to say it- at times.. too many times the baby came before my husband too. Then came baby #2 and it got even worse. I felt like I was in a constant spiral of cooking, cleaning, diapers, nursing, bath time, bedtime, etc that I never STOPPED...

Until one day. I did stop. I looked in the mirror and I did NOT recognized the woman staring back at me. Val had been gone for so long that I didn't know if I would ever come back.

That's when I made a CHOICE. A difficult and sometimes a very unbelievable choice--- to start changing my mindset. To start putting me first. To start saying NO to others if it meant jeopardizing my priorities. I started putting MYSELF FIRST!...

And oh my gosh. Was that scary!!

I told myself this everyday:

√ 1 workout won't fix you 

√ 1 week of clean eating won't make you healthy 

√ 1 personal development book won't change your mindset forever.

Do it all daily. Everyday. Never stop. Never skip. Just start to change. Never. Give up.

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And then I started to see and feel changes. I felt better and realized that he trio is fail proof---> if you apply it! because I did!

Give yourself a gut check.

Are you going to give this your all- or are you going to float by on autopilot and make excuses?

Start the change to find YOU and do something everyday that your future self will thank you for!!

I DECIDED that I was going to exercise, start a career in turning my fitness into a business and being the best mom/wife I could be----> AFTER putting my needs first for 30 minutes a day to make my mindset solid and my body thankful for the royal treatment!

We all have a choice.

A choice to either let the stress and negative thoughts build up and eat at us---

Or a choice to pray and let it all go! 

A choice to tell YOURSELF that today is a great day! That no matter what- we have the ability to breath in goodness and exhale the bad.

Repeat after me:

I am enough.

I am able to make the most and the best of every day I am given.

I have the ability to wake up and live everyday with happiness.

I am alive and today is a gift.

Remember to stop and smell the roses. Don't get so caught up in everything that you forget the simple things in life that mean the most. And the fact that you CAN live any life that you choose to create. I am living my DREAMS all because I made a choice to change. A choice to make a difference and it all started with ME! I feel amazing. I am grateful for my life and when life throws me curve balls. 

I eat glitter for breakfast!

Are you interested in learning more about how I have turned my fitness into a business?

Would you like to schedule a time to chat to see if this is something for you too? 

Fill out the application below and I will get back to you soon!

heart emoticon

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