
Tuesday, December 15, 2015

January 4th NEW YEAR NEW YOU Online Health and Fitness Mentorship Program


Can you believe that Christmas is almost here? It is my all time favorite time of the year, but I know that it can really start to take a toll on mental and physical wellness! Stress creeps in whether it be because of finances, time to get everything done or the fact that a lot of people slack on fitness and nutrition because the emotions are all over the place. No matter what the circumstances- this is your time to commit to making 2016 your year to shine! The possibilities of the new near are endless! What do you have planned? Are you ready to take control of 2016? 

I have been planning my new year fitness challenge group for weeks! I am putting whole new dynamic on it this year and I can’t wait to help other reach their health and fitness goals! This is my passion and I can’t wait to see and hear the results! But first, I have to fill it up!! So, I am inviting YOU to be a part of this exclusive challenge group! Think of where you could be in one year from now with some consistency, handwork and dedication! Let’s set and reach some goals!

What in the heck is a health and fitness challenge group?   
    It is a program that I’ve created specifically to help my clients reach their own personal health and fitness goals.  It is a small group setting that will offer support, guidance, motivation, meal planning, workouts and so much MORE! Don’t fall into the ‘norm’ of New Year’s Resolutions!! I don’t want to hear the cliche’ “I’m going to start on Monday” or “I’m going to lose weight this year” of “I’m going to the gym everyday” and really… the list goes ON! Why wait until Monday? Do it NOW!! This is a perfect way for you to say “I’m going to make a CHANGE this year starting TODAY” and I will hold you accountable to that statement!  I want you to be a winner! I want you to succeed! Is change hard? ABSOLUTELY!! Can you do it?? YES! WITHOUT A DOUBT!

Without the support of a fitness challenge group this is more than likely what will happen—> You start on January 1st (because that is when everyone is getting fit and healthy!) and you go STRONG! You give it your ALL!! You’re eating clean, hitting the gym 6 days a week…You’re on a roll!!! But then, January 25th rolls around and it is really cold out and you start to hit snooze a few extra times because your bed is so warm and comfy! You talk yourself right out of getting up to go to the gym.. you’ll “WORKOUT LATER…” Well, later doesn’t come! Then 6 days a week of hitting the gym becomes more like 2 or 3 days a week… and those salads that you were eating for lunch everyday— well, the pizza in the break room seems so much more appealing… AND BEFORE YOU KNOW IT…. POOF.. THE ENERGY IS GONE!!!

I’ve been there!!! I was the one who paid for the gym membership because I ‘was going to go’ and I would go and buy fruits and veggies, but then they would go bad before I ate them. I would workout just fine. I never had a problem with getting out and working out or getting a workout in at home.. but nothing was what getting me results that I wanted. WELL.. it was because I really was not working hard! I was working out hard, yes... but then I would go through taco bell drive thru or grab  starbucks and donut while I was out shopping... Once I cleaned up my diet and really started to eat whole foods... it was amazing how my body started changing!!! So I want to help you do the same!!

 So… first of all DO NOT GO AND BLOW YOUR MONEY ON A GYM MEMBERSHIP!!! It will not give you the results that you want because you will have no accountability to stick with it! And face it.. it is not easy to make up your own schedule of workouts to delver awesome results!  I love Beachbody because I know that the workouts are designed to give me results and there is an option for every person whether you are beginning to workout for the first time or you are a freakin’ workout PRO!!  There are programs that will have you lifting weights heavy and hard 6 days a week, there are workouts that are less than 30 minutes 5 days a week and there are some dancy workouts that will have you jammin’ in your living room!!  I can pretty much guarantee that I can get you any program that you could think of and you will get results and meet your fitness/nutrition goals!!

 What I tell all of my challengers is this— working out is a must! Working out is FUN! I promise you, if you aren’t having fun during a workout.. then it’s not the right one for YOU!! You have to look forward to exercise!!! It’s a key of success! And along with the workouts— you MUST concentrate on NUTRITION!! Nutrition is 80% of your results.. Cold. Hard. Fact! You can do Insanity all day long, but if you are not properly fueling your body… you will not have the results that you are looking for, PERIOD! I lived for YEARS thinking that I would never have defined abs, that my butt would ‘never’ lift and that I would never have great biceps… it was all in my ‘GENES’ that I could never ‘look that way!’ Well— I’m here to tell you that YES YOU CAN!! It’s all about your nutrition! FUEL FOR YOUR BODY!! My results were amazing after I started to replace my cold cut sandwiches with some grilled chicken over a bed of lettuce,  when I cut out the waffles for breakfast and started eating oatmeal and really started adding whole foods to my diet! My abs started to define within a week! YES.. a WEEK!
So, one of my jobs in this challenge group is to teach you how to EAT PROPERLY!! And EAT I do! I eat every 2 1/2-3 hours! I pack away some FOOD and I AM SO FIT AND HEALTHY! That is what we are going to do for YOU!! It is NOT A DIET! I am going to teach you how to create a healthy LIFE!!
Clean Eating

One more KEY INGREDIENT to being a part of my challenge group is SHAKEOLOGY! Stop right there— it is NOT a weight loss drink! It is a TOTAL meal replacement. It is literally one thing that keeps me full, it tastes GREAT, it is the best ‘grab and go’ food that I have and it is definitely the most nutritious! It is honestly equivalent to eating 6 salads a day.. and it is all in one glass.  I make sure to always have a packet on me because there are those days as a busy mom where we forget to eat, or we are out running errands and all that is around are drive thrus… well, I drink my Shakeology and it makes me feel so much better!  I know that McDonalds nuggets would NOT make me feel good and I don’t know about you, but they are NOT THAT GOOD! Shakeology is worth the money I spend because it not only keeps me healthy, but my kids as well. I drink it every single day and I also give it to my kids almost everyday too. My husband drinks his for breakfast every single mooring and although I am at my goal weight, I still drink it because it is full of nutrients and I just eat enough calories to sustain my weight! WIN WIN!

You will get full access to a closed online accountability group.   This is a great part— with this you will get 24/7 access to me as your coach!  With my curriculum I will have daily assignments, motivational tips, recipes, meal plans readily available and so much more. Every challenger will start their workout on the same day and we will go 60 days STRONG.  Each day you will have information from ME to keep you going STRONG! I will not allow you to fail!! I will teach you how to LIVE your life so it doesn’t revolve around food and a scale! That is no way to live!! I will not only help to keep you accountable, but I will teach you how to handle yourself at family gathers where there will be a lot of food, I will teach you how to overcome cravings, how to get your kids to eat healthy, how to ’trick’ them into liking something and SO MUCH MORE!! All that I ask is that you commit to the program and FINISH IT!! You must check in each day (takes like 2 seconds peeps!) and just post how you did for the day! Easy peasy!

Does this sound like it is for you?? Are you ready to make a change? No more quick fixes? No more diets? Let’s start to make the change!! It’s all about working from the inside to the out!! Fill out the application below to be considered for my New Year Challenge Group!! We start on January 4th! Let’s get this show on the road!

There is limited space so contact me NOW! I want to give you each my individual attention, so I have to limit the number of challengers in a group! Let's get you on the road to success!! Complete the application below!!

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