
Friday, December 11, 2015

How To Start Your Own Fitness Business


2016 is going to bring a whole new world of endless possibilities. Change, growth, commitments and resolutions are going to be all the rage.

Will you be different? Will you make 2016- YOUR year?!

Do you want to be your own boss?
Do you want to work from home and start your own fitness business?
What about accountability for your own fitness and helping others change along the way too?

*What started as a way for me to get and stay fit has turned into a thriving business over 2 years.*

I know what it is like to be drowning in debt.

I know what it is like to feel stuck and sorry for myself.

I know what it is like to be far away from family and friends and have to find a way to start fresh.

Now I know what it is like to feel amazing and truly love life.

Now I know what it feels like to go from almost filing bankruptcy to being nearly FINANCIALLY FREE.

Now I know what it is like to have confidence and positivity in my life daily.

Now I know what it is like to earn close to 5 figures a week and GIVE like I've always wanted.

I’m starting an online NEW COACH MENTORSHIP training where I will mentor you on a daily basis, host small group video trainings, 1:1 setting as needed to help you learn your business.

Who am I looking for?

You do not need to be a fitness or healthcare professional but you:

Must enjoying helping others
MUST have a positive attitude
MUST be coachable
Be a goal setter and a goal go getter
Determined & Self Motivated
MUST be a leader and grow in your leadership ability
MUST have the ability to dream big and take action
MUST commit to personal development
And the added bonus- get/stay in the best shape of your life.

What I will not tolerate:

Those who sign up just to 'try it out' and don't take this seriously.
Excuse makers
Debbie Downers
Those who are not team players
People who don't want to have fun
Those with a closed minded attitude

This is a JOB and if I can do this- anyone can do this with heart. hustle. passion and belief which is something that I will HELP you with along the way.

COMMIT and I will run your race with you.

You have to be willing to dedicate a few hours a week working online helping other people. And have the understanding that your income is the direct reflection of how many lives you help change.

Be willing to take this seriously and be coach able by following my training, (the exact system I have used to create a near 5 figure weekly income in less than 2.5 years)...your life will be more enriched in every single area.

Everyone has a story, but what they share is only up to them and what you read is only up to you.

Your actions are what determines your future. You can achieve anything you want in life if you just push past the fear and be your own shining star <3 p="">
Here is your chance to join us for a FREE LIVE VIRTUAL WEBINAR coaching event on Wednesday night, December 16th at 9p eastern.


Who knows this might just change your life like it did mine!!!!

You have nothing to lose and an entire world to gain!!!

You can also fill out the form below or email me at and join me!!!!

There is nothing like the life of freedom!

Jedi Yoda- "Do or Do Not- There Is No Try."

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