
Saturday, December 28, 2013


Mosaic Fitness Challenge

Can you believe that it is here? 2014 is literally 4 days away and I have no idea where 2013 went!! I guess what they say is true.. time flies when you’re having fun!! I hope that you all had a great Christmas and I really hope that you have an even BETTER New Year! So, this blog post is really geared towards my church family!! And those of you who live in the Gulfport, Mississippi area and you are looking for a church home… well, I ENCOURAGE you ALL to come and join us at Mosaic Church on Oak Lane in Gulfport, MS! It is simply an amazing church and we would love to welcome you with open arms! 

Our wonderful pastor announced a couple of months ago that they have decided to buy our church building. Right now it is being rented, but they know it is going to be our ‘home’ and want to make it official as soon as possible! SO, of course my wheels started turning and I wanted to do everything in my power to HELP with some funds. This is where the ‘light bulb’ popped on and I decided to start and MOSAIC FITNESS CHALLENGE!!!!!! That’s right. A church wide, everyone participates, New Year’s Resolution— get fit challenge!! AND the kicker… I will help you choose a challenge pack and ALL PROFIT that I would make from that challenge pack will go to the church! Yep— all of it! So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get fit and healthy along with HELPING OUR CHURCH!!!

So, what is this Mosaic Fitness Challenge you ask?
This is where it gets fun! I have put together a curriculum to help you reach your health and fitness goals. Are you someone who starts something and goes super strong for about the first two week? And then you don’t have anyone to keep you accountable, so you feel yourself slipping? Well, that is not the case with my program. You will not be telling yourself “I will start on Monday,” this time it will be NOW and NEVER AGAIN will you have to restart your weight loss/health/fitness goals. The time is here and the time is now!  We are not going to pay a ton of money for a gym membership that you will use MAYBE for the whole month of January. A gym membership that when you get there you will get confused and just hop on the elliptical which will not deliver results that you want. A gym membership that when you go in you will have to search for an open piece of equipment because EVERYONE is starting back to the gym on…… January 1st!
You are going to be better, do better and RUN WITH THIS PROGRAM that I have created for YOU!

** “Later" is one of those dream-killers, one of the countless obstacles we put up to derail our chances of success. The diet that starts "tomorrow" the job hunt that happens "eventually" the pursuit of the life dream that begins "someday" combined with other self-imposed roadblocks that lock us on autopilot. Why do we do this to ourselves anyway? Why don't we take action now? Let's face it; the familiar way is EASY; the unchartered path is LINED WITH UNCERTAINTIES. But guess what, you will never know what you can achieve unless you give it 100% and put all fears aside and go after what you want!!!  — What is it that you need to do know, that you are being called to do! How will you take action?**

I am going to help you get started right and right now.  The best thing about Beachbody programs is that there is something for EVERYONE. Every fitness level, every like, every interest… we’ve got something for you.  These programs take all of the guess work out of exercise.  All that you will have to do each day is look at the schedule and pop in the workout dvd that it says on the calendar. It’s that easy.  You are not alone in this either.  I will help you choose the program that suits you the best. Do you like strength training? Do you like more cardio? Both? Are you short on time? Only want to work out 5 days a week? I can find one that is perfect for you and it will deliver results. 

SO! Working out is step #1!!! Step number 2- -NUTRITION!!! Did you know that nutrition makes up over 80% of your results?  Most people do not know that.  Most think that if you workout then you can just eat whatever you want.. It’s like a trade off!!… well NO! That is not true at all!!!  You can do Insanity all day long, but if you are not properly fueling your body… you will not have the results that you are looking for, PERIOD! I lived for YEARS thinking that I would never have defined abs, that my butt would ‘never’ lift and that I would never have great biceps… it was all in my ‘GENES’ that I could never ‘look that way!’ Well— I’m here to tell you that YES YOU CAN!! It’s all about your nutrition! FUEL FOR YOUR BODY!! My results were amazing after I started to replace my cold cut sandwiches with some grilled chicken over a bed of lettuce,  when I cut out the waffles for breakfast and started eating oatmeal and really started adding whole foods to my diet! My abs started to define within a week! YES.. a WEEK!

So, one of my jobs in this challenge group is to teach you how to EAT PROPERLY!! And EAT I do! I eat every 2 1/2-3 hours! I pack away some FOOD and I AM SO FIT AND HEALTHY! That is what we are going to do for YOU!! It is NOT A DIET! I am going to teach you how to create a healthy LIFE!!

One more KEY INGREDIENT to being a part of my challenge group is SHAKEOLOGY! Stop right there— it is NOT a weight loss drink! It is a TOTAL meal replacement. It is literally one thing that keeps me full, it tastes GREAT, it is the best ‘grab and go’ food that I have and it is definitely the most nutritious! It is honestly equivalent to eating 6 salads a day.. and it is all in one glass.  I make sure to always have a packet on me because there are those days as a busy mom where we forget to eat, or we are out running errands and all that is around are drive thrus… well, I drink my Shakeology and it makes me feel so much better!  I know that McDonalds nuggets would NOT make me feel good and I don’t know about you, but they are NOT THAT GOOD! Shakeology is worth the money I spend because it not only keeps me healthy, but my kids as well. I drink it every single day and I also give it to my kids almost everyday too. My husband drinks his for breakfast every single mooring and although I am at my goal weight, I still drink it because it is full of nutrients and I just eat enough calories to sustain my weight! WIN WIN!

You will get full access to a closed online accountability group.   
This is a great part— with this you will get 24/7 access to me as your coach!  With my curriculum I will have daily assignments, motivational tips, recipes, meal plans readily available and so much more. Every challenger will start their workout on the same day and we will go 60 days STRONG.  Each day you will have information from ME to keep you going STRONG! I will not allow you to fail!! I will teach you how to LIVE your life so it doesn’t revolve around food and a scale! That is no way to live!! I will not only help to keep you accountable, but I will teach you how to handle yourself at family gathers where there will be a lot of food, I will teach you how to overcome cravings, how to get your kids to eat healthy, how to ’trick’ them into liking something and SO MUCH MORE!! All that I ask is that you commit to the program and FINISH IT!! You must check in each day (takes like 2 seconds peeps!) and just post how you did for the day! Easy peasy!

We will have prize giveaways for this challenge too!!! I have some fun tricks up my sleeve and I can’t wait to have this be our very own BIGGEST LOSER CHALLENGE!!!!

You will also get to come and keep yourself extra accountable at our FIT CLUB!  Mosaic Fit Club is held every Thursday night at 6:30 pm at Mosaic Church in Gulfport.  We also have it on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of every month starting at 7:00 am!! Our workouts are always FREE and always FUN!! I encourage you all to come and join us!  There is no better way to workout than with friends!!!

Does this sound like it is for you?? Are you ready to make a change? No more quick fixes? No more diets? Let’s start to make the change!! It’s all about working from the inside to the out!! 

CONTACT VAL TO GET INVOLVED!! I must be your assigned beachbody coach! Not only will you be making a change for YOU but you will be helping our church as well!
phone: 724-988-8112 

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